The Alcott Center, a non-profit entity, has been delivering community mental health services since 1979. It provides mental health and supportive housing services to low and no-income adults throughout LA County. The center is dedicated to eliminating obstacles to accessing mental health services, offering assistance for various interrelated challenges to those who cannot afford them.
Our Mission: To Enhance the quality of life and empower individuals faced with mental health and housing challenges as they transition toward wellness.
Our Services
Psychological Assessment
Individual & Group Therapy
Enhanced Care Management
Unarmed Model of Crisis Response
Full Service Partnership
Intensive Case Management
Interim Housing
Reentry Services
What We Focus On:
Improving access to adult, outpatient mental health care
Providing services to support housing
Reducing stigma associated with accessing mental health services
Alcott Provides Services throughout LA County
Ways to Support Our Mission
Click here to access our Volunteer Page
We are working on planning some exciting events. Interested in Sponsoring n event? Email: atan@alcottcenter.org
Are you passionate abut Mental Health? Send an email to development@alcottcenter.org for more information